1998.9-2002.7: 山东大学物理学院 本科 学士
2002.9-2007.7: 山东大学物理学院 研究生 博士
[17-1] Ruixuan Meng, Yuan Li, Kun Gao(通讯作者), Wei Qin, and Luxia Wang
“Ultrafast Exciton Migration and Dissociation in π-Conjugated Polymers Driven by Local Nonuniform Electric Fields”
Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 121, 20546 (2017)
[17-2] Ruixuan Meng, Yuan Li, Chong Li, Kun Gao(通讯作者), Sun Yin, and Luxia Wang
“Exciton Transport in π-Conjugated Polymers with Conjugation Defects”
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 19, 24971 (2017)
[17-3] Chong Li, Kun Gao (通讯作者), Ruixuan Meng, Liu Yang, and Maomao Zhang
“Effect of intrachain configuration disorder on the exciton delocalization in π -conjugated polymers”
Organic Electronics, 48, 342 (2017)
[16-1]Fujiang Yang, Ruixuan Meng, Gaiyan Zhang, Kun Gao(通讯作者),Shijie Xie
"Migration of an exciton in organic polymers driven by a nonuniform internal electric field"
Organic Electronics, 30, 171 (2016)
[16-2]Kun Gao(通讯作者), Shijie Xie, Sun Yin, Ruixuan Meng, Yuan Li
“Study on the internal conversion dynamics following different electron transfer at a donor/acceptor polymer heterointerface”
Organic Electronics, 28, 73 (2016)
[16-3] Shixuan Han, Liu Yang, Kun Gao, Shijie Xie, Shenqiang Ren
“Spin polarization of excitons in organic multiferroic composites”
Scientific Reports, 6, 28656 (2016)
[15-1] Ruixuan Meng, Kun Gao(通讯作者), Gaiyan Zhang, Shixuan Han, Fujiang Yang, Yuan Li and Shijie Xie
“Exciton intrachain transport induced by interchain packing configurations in conjugated polymers”
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 17, 18600 (2015)
[15-2] Sun Yin, Kun Gao, S. J. Xie, D. S. Liu
“The temperature dependence of the spin relaxation of coupled polaron pairs in organic semiconductors”
Organic Electronics, 25, 329 (2015)
[15-3] Fujiang Yang, Gaiyan Zhang, Ruixuan Meng, Kun Gao, Shijie Xie
“Trap effect of triplet excitons on magnetoresistance in organic devices”
Organic Electronics, 25, 12 (2015)
[15-4] Hui Wang, Xiang-Ru Kong, Bin Cui, Dong-Mei Li, Kun Gao, Yuan Li a, De-Sheng Liu
“Simulations of polaron spin inversion in an organic semiconductor: Comparison of two mechanisms”
Organic Electronics, 23, 57 (2015)
[14-1] Kun Gao(通讯作者), Shijie Xie, Yuan Li, Caijuan Xia
“Realization of the population inversion in a conjugated polymer by a single or double stimulating pulse”
Org. Electron. 15, 1965 (2014)
[13-1] Qin Wei, Sun Yin, Kun Gao, Shijie Xie
“Voltage Dependence of Magnetoconductance in Organic Semiconductor Devices”
Appl. Phys. Expre., 6, 021603 (2013)
[12-1] Kun Gao(通讯作者), Shijie Xie, Sun Yin, Desheng Liu“Biexcitons generation in a polymer by a femtosecond electric pump pulse”
Org. Electron., 13, 784 (2012)
[12-2] Xiaojuan Yuan, Dongmei Li, Sun Yin, Kun Gao, Bin Cui, De-Sheng Liu
“Effects of disorder on charge transport in semiconducting polymers”
Org. Electron., 13, 2094 (2012)
[12-3] Qin Wei, Sun Yin, Kun Gao, Shijie Xie“Investigation on organic magnetoconductance based on polaron-bipolaron transition”
Appl. Phys. Lett., 100, 233304 (2012)
[11-1] Kun Gao(通讯作者), Shijie Xie, Sun Yin, Desheng Liu
“Study on charge-transfer state in a donor-acceptor polymer heterojunction”
Org. Electron. 12, 1010 (2011)
[11-2] Bin Cui, Changfeng Fang, Yaxin Zhai, Sun Yin, Kun Gao, and Desheng Liu
“The inversely proportional relationship in the asymmetric transport of a diblock co-oligomer junction”
Appl. Phys. Lett. 98, 133101 (2011)
[10-1] Zhen Sun, Yuan Li, Kun Gao, Desheng Liu, Zhong An, and Shijie Xie
“Dynamical study of polaron-bipolaron scattering in conjugated polymers”
Org. Electron. 11, 279 (2010)
[09-1] Kun Gao(通讯作者),Shijie Xie, Sun Yin, Yuan Li, Desheng Liu, and Xian Zhao
“A theoretical study on photoexcitations in poly(p-phenylene vinylene)”
Organic Electronics, 10, 1601 (2009)
[08-1] Y. Li, K. Gao, Z. Sun, S. Yin, D. S. Liu, S. J. Xie
“Intrachain polaron motion and geminate combination in donor-acceptor copolymers: Effects of level offset and interfacial coupling”
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[07-1] K. Gao, X. J. Liu, D. S. Liu, S. J.Xie
“Charge carrier generation through re-excitations of an exciton in poly(p-phenylene vinylene) molecules”
Phys. Rev. B 75 (2007) 205412
[06-1]Xiaojing Liu, Kun Gao, Jiyong Fu, Yuan Li, Jianhua Wei, and Shijie Xie
“Effect of the electric field mode on the dynamic process of a polaron”
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[05-1] Kun Gao, Xiao-jing Liu, De-Sheng Liu, and Shi-Jie Xie
“Reverse polarization in charged π-conjugated oligomers”
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(1)聚合物及其异质结构中的光电转换研究,国家自然科学基金,No. 10804062,2009.1-2011.12,主持
(2)聚合物及其异质结构中光载流子产生、输运及复合研究,高等学校博士学科点专项科研基金(新青年教师基金),No. 200804221005,2009.1-2011.12,主持
(3)有机半导体中光载流子产生机制研究,山东省优秀中青年科学家科研奖励基金,No. BS2009NJ006,2009.12-2012.12,主持
(6)聚合物太阳能电池内光激发态的产生、输运及解离研究, 山东省自然科学基金面上项目,2013.10-2016.10,主持