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于法鹏,男,1982年11月出生于山东青岛市,现为山东大学在线轮盘 、在线轮盘 国家重点在线轮盘 教授、博士研究生导师、学术团队PI。近些年来,以重要应用前景的光电功能在线轮盘 为研究对象,开展了高温压电晶体、非线性晶体和单晶石墨烯制备及应用基础研究,承担国家自然科学基金、山东省重点研发计划等多项课题。在PNAS, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, Acta Materialia, Journal of Materials Chemistry C和 Journal of Materiomics等国际知名杂志上发表学术论文90余篇,授权国家发明专利30项。参与编写英文书籍一部(《Structural Healthy Monitoring for Aerospace Structures》,Elsevier出版社)。现为中国物理学会电介质分会青年委员、中国稀土学会稀土晶体委员会委员。



2005.9-2011.6,山东大学在线轮盘 ,获材料学博士学位



2011.7-2015.8,山东大学在线轮盘 ,讲师/硕导

2015.9-2020.8,山东大学在线轮盘 ,副教授/博导

2020.9-至今,山东大学在线轮盘 ,教授/博导


[1] Chao Jiang, Xueliang Liu, Fapeng Yu*, Shujun Zhang, Haoran Fang, Xiufeng Cheng, Xian Zhao, “High-temperature vibration sensor based on Ba2TiSi2O8 piezoelectric crystal with ultra-stable sensing performance up to 650oC”, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 2021, 68, 12850-12859.

[2] Xinyu Lu, Lili Li, Shiwei Tian, Yanlu Li*, Fapeng Yu*, Xiufeng Cheng, Xian Zhao, “Origin of the abnormal reduction of the dielectric response for ReCOB crystals and its mechanism: theoretical and experimental exploration”, Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 2020, 8, 10109.

[3] Shiwei Tian, Chao Jiang, Feifei Chen, Fapeng Yu*, Xiufeng Cheng, Shujun Zhang, Zhengpeng Wang, Xian Zhao, “Evaluation of electro-elastic properties of YCOB and GdCOB crystals irradiated by 6 MeV Xe23+ ions”, Crystal Growth & Design, 2020, 20, 2651-2659.

[4] Guangda Wu, Mengdi Fan, Chao Jiang, Feifei Chen, Fapeng Yu*, Xiufeng Cheng, Xian Zhao, “Noncentrosymmetric Orthophosphate YM3(PO4)3 (M = Sr, Ba) Crystals: Single Crystal Growth, Structure, and Properties”, Crystal Growth & Design, 2020, 20, 2390-2397.

[5] Mengdi Fan, Guangda Wu, Feifei Chen, Fapeng Yu*, Xiufeng Cheng, Xian Zhao, “Electro-elastic features of Nd-doped YAl3(BO3)4 single crystal”, CrystEngComm, 2020, 22, 7816.

[6] Guangda Wu, Mengdi Fan, Fapeng Yu*, Shuzhen Fan, Xiufeng Cheng, Zhengping Wang, Xian Zhao, “Growth, Thermal, and Spectroscopic Properties of YbBa3(PO4)3 Single Crystal: A New Stoichiometric Lasing Material”, Crystal Growth & Design, 2020, 20(12):7963-7971.

[7] Zhen Su, Xiucai Sun, Xizheng Liu, Jing Zhang, Li Sun, Xue Zhang, Zhenxing Liu, Fapeng Yu*, Yanlu Li*, Xiufeng Cheng, Yi Ding, Xian Zhao, “A Strategy To Prepare High-Quality Monocrystalline Graphene: Inducing Graphene Growth with Seeding Chemical Vapor Deposition and Its Mechanism”, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2020, 12, 1306-1314.

[8] Shiwei Tian, Lili Li, Xinyu Lu, Fapeng Yu*, Yanlu Li*, Chao Jiang, Xiulan Duan, Zhengping Wang, Shujun Zhang, Xian Zhao, “Electrical conduction mechanism of rare-earth calcium oxyborate high temperature piezoelectric crystals” Acta Materialia, 2020, 183, 165-171.

[9] Shiwei Tian, Lili Li, Feifei Chen, Chao Jiang, Fapeng Yu*, Yanlu Li*, Xiulan Duan, Zhengping Wang, Shujun Zhang, Xian Zhao, “Electrical properties of yttrium calcium oxyborate crystals annealed at high temperature and low oxygen partial pressure”, Journal of Materiomics, 2019, 5, 363-371.

[10] Feifei Chen, Lingfeng Kong, Wei Song, Chao Jiang, Shiwei Tian, Fapeng Yu*, Lifeng Qin, Chunlei Wang, Xian Zhao, “The electromechanical features of LiNbO3 crystal for potential high temperature piezoelectric applications”, Journal of Materiomics, 2019, 5, 73-80.

[11] Xiucai Sun, Zhen Su, Jing Zhang, Xizheng Liu, Yanlu Li*, Fapeng Yu*, Xiufeng Cheng, Xian Zhao, “Graphene Nucleation Preference at CuO Defects Rather Than Cu2O on Cu(111): A Combination of DFT Calculation and Experiment”, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2018, 10, 43156-43165.

[12] Shiwei Tian, Lili Li, Fapeng Yu*, Yanlu Li, Feifei Chen, Xiulan Duan, Xiufeng Cheng, Zhengping Wang, Shujun Zhang, Xian Zhao, “Structural stability and electro-elastic property of YCOB crystal annealed in harsh environment”, Applied Physics Letters, 2018, 113(12), 122905.

[13] Feifei Chen, Chao Jiang, Shiwei Tian, Fapeng Yu*, Xiufeng Cheng, Xiulan Duan, Zhengping Wang, Xian Zhao, “Electro-elastic Features of Piezoelectric Bi2ZnB2O7 Crystal”, Crystal Growth & Design, 2018, 18(7), 3988-3996.

[14] Zhiyuan Yang, Shicai Xu, Lili Zhao, Jing Zhang, Zhengping Wang, Xiufang Chen, Xiufeng Cheng, Fapeng Yu*, Xian Zhao, “A new direct growth method of graphene on Si-face of 6H-SiC by synergy of the inner and external carbon sources”, Applied Surface Science, 2018, 436, 511-518.

[15] Lian Xiong, Wenyu Bai, Feifei Chen, Xian Zhao, Fapeng Yu, Gerald J. Diebold, “Photoacoustic trace detection of gases at the parts-per quadrillion level with a moving optical grating”, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), 2017, 114, 7246-7249.







